Tarantino might be bringing The Hateful Eight to London’s West End as a play

Christopher Hooton
Friday 08 January 2016 15:02 GMT

There’s a theatrical to element most of Quentin Tarantino’s films, but none more so than The Hateful Eight, which takes place almost entirely in a roadside haberdashery.

It’s easy to imagine the wintery cabin on the stage and it’s something Tarantino has admitted he’s been thinking about.1

Now Samuel L. Jackson has hinted at a possible location for the play.

“It would be a blast to recreate The Hateful Eight on stage. We have had discussions about doing it as a play in London,” he told the Evening Standard. “In fact my initial thought, which I expressed to Quentin, was we do it in the West End, create an international sensation and then bring it to Broadway.”

“I’ve always wanted to do something in the West End but we’ll have to see…” Jackson added, “the dialogue in his [Tarantino’s] scripts is exhilarating. It’s like going back in front of a stage with a live audience.”

The brief exterior scenes could easily be managed, but Jackson’s co-star Jennifer Jason Leigh said the copious blood in the film could be tricky to replicate.

“Quentin is serious about bringing it to the stage,” she clarified. “It would be an amazing night though we’d have to work out how to have all that blood on the stage.”

The cast of Reservoir Dogs previously performed the film on a stage, though as a script read rather than a full-on production.

The Hateful Eight is Tarantino’s eighth film and he’s repeatedly suggested he might only make 10, instead writing plays or novels in his later years.

1He discussed the possibility in this hour-long roundtable with Ridley Scott, David O'Russell, Alejandro G. Inarittu, Danny Boyle and more.

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