The Walking Dead season 8 episode 13 trailer sees Rick more deranged than ever

Beware the murder coat

Jacob Stolworthy
Wednesday 28 March 2018 11:51 BST
Walking Dead: season 8 episode 14 - trailer

The penultimate episode of The Walking Dead season 8 looks set to put things in place for what could be the biggest finale yet.

Following on from Rick's actions in recent weeks, it certainly seems that episode 14 - titled 'Still Gotta Mean Something' - will send him on his most destructive warpath yet with unhinged compadre Morgan (Lennie James) whose story on this series will grind to a close ahead of his move to spinoff Fear the Walking Dead.

Grimes and Jones head out into the wilderness to hunt down The Saviours who absconded from the Hilltop following the heated showdown which culminated with infection after the villains doused their arrows with walker guts.

While we don't know what's going to go down, it's a sure bet the two will kill a lot of people - a fact hammered home by the appearance of Rick's murder jacket: the shearling coat he wears at his most deranged (for those who don't remember, Rick first acquired the jacket in the second half of season 4 shortly ahead of the episode in which he bit someone's earl clean off their head).

It's uncertain how Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) will play into All out War's endgame, however, the fact she has Negan in captivity at the Junkyard puts him in his most precarious situation yet, especially considering Simon (Steven Ogg) is looking to ensure his position as The Saviours' leader remains permanent.

With just two episodes to go, it certainly seems that All Out War is poised to come to a close, all but confirmed by Morgan who can be seen colliding with the Clark family in an extended look at Fear the Walking Dead season 4.

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