Graduate Careers: The 30-Second Guide

Bluff your way through that last-minute interview: some tips to help you appear clued-up about current affairs. By Kate Mulvey

Thursday 23 December 1999 00:02 GMT

Story of the week: William Hague has called on Tory defector Shaun Woodward to resign his seat in Witney, Oxfordshire. Woodward has signed his Labour Party membership and told Mr Hague (pictured) he "no longer supported the increasingly right-wing policies of the Conservative Party".

Talking point: Officials at the London Eye, the giant ferris wheel, plan to get a licence to perform weddings, after numerous requests from couples.

Top Gossip: Disgraced Tory peer Jeffrey Archer has allegedly been cheating on wife Mary with actress Sally Farmiloe, once a star of TV soap Howard's Way.

Talked-about book: Delia Smith's second How to Cook book is at the top of the hardback list, so no excuse for burnt turkey or mushy sprouts on the 25th.

This was the week: James Bond star Desmond Llewelyn, who played the gadget inventor Q, died on Sunday in a car crash.

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I assume you all work through Christmas and New Year?

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