Cultural Life: Tori Amos, musician

Ruth Gillbe
Friday 04 September 2009 00:00 BST


I've been listening to Big Band music – lots of Duke Ellington. I've also been listening to Brad Mehldau's 'Largo', St Vincent's 'Actor' and Sunn O)))'s 'Monoliths & Dimensions'.


I've been reading 'In the Valley of the Kings: Howard Carter and the Mystery of King Tutankhamun's Tomb' by Daniel Myerson, and 'Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs' by Zahi Hawass.


We saw the new Harry Potter film when we were in Kansas City. Mark, my husband, and Tash, my daughter, are obsessed with it. I saw 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' on the plane back to the UK, which I loved.


I saw 'War Horse' at the British National Theatre. It's fascinating. It's about the First World War. It's a really strong work, worth seeing. It's very dramatic, intense and powerful.

Visual arts

We saw the King Tut Exhibition in San Francisco. Tash and I were fascinated by the Boy King – it's sort of Egyptian Cluedo with her around. Just before we left for the American tour I popped into Tate Modern, too.

Tori Amos is playing at the Hammersmith Apollo, London, on 10 and 11 September

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