My Fantasy Band: Dan Gillespie Sells, The Feeling

Friday 10 June 2011 00:00 BST

Vocals - Freddie Mercuryand Stevie Nicks

Can I have two lead singers? It goes without saying that Freddie was the king of frontmen and a genius singer. He was a complete show-off but he got away with being so extravagant because he was incredibly charming at the same time. I also want Stevie Nicks because she adds such cool to things. I love her voice, there's something very quirky about it and that's interesting in pop music.

Bass - James Jamerson

I want James Jamerson because he played on all of those beautiful Motown records and wrote pretty much all the amazing bass lines that everyone knows. He's not too much of a technician – he's fairly lyrical and loose with his playing which makes it, in my opinion, really sweet. The groove is just incredible, which is so important for a rhythm section.

Drums - Ginger Baker

I was going to go for someone like Ringo on drums but then I thought it would be nice to have something a bit different. I'm going for Ginger Baker circa Cream – late Sixties, early Seventies. I think he was a bit of a predecessor to Bonham and those flashy Seventies drummers who did amazing big rock solos with their drums. He came from a slightly jazzier place and was fired up and exciting in his playing.

Guitar - George Harrison and Prince

I'm going for George Harrison, because I have to have a Beatle in there somewhere. I don't really want a big flashy guitarist, I want someone who is great with songs. Harrison understood songwriting and what makes great melodies with guitars. Let's have Prince as well just because then we have someone who can do funk. Prince is a proper show-off and an amazing groovy guitarist of soul. That's going to look weird together, but trust me, it might sound good.

The Feeling will be performing at Kew the Music, Kew Gardens on 6 July (

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