Blink-182’s Mark Hoppus announces he is cancer free

Musician was diagnosed with lymphoma earlier this year

Sam Moore
Wednesday 29 September 2021 23:00 BST
Mark Hoppus' chemotherapy is working

Blink-182’s Mark Hoppus has announced that he is now cancer free.

The rock star was diagnosed with 4-A diffuse large B-cell lymphoma earlier this year which has been treated with chemotherapy.

On Instagram, Hoppus posted: “Just saw my oncologist and I’m cancer free!”

Hoppus had five months of chemotherapy treatment before it ended earlier this month.

With the good news, Hoppus wrote: “Thank you God and universe and friends and family and everyone who sent support and kindness and love.”

He also offered a small insight on his immediate future and being rid of the disease: “Still have to get scanned every six months and it’ll take until the end of the year to get back to normal but today is an amazing day and I feel so blessed.”

Hoppus has frequently posted updates on his progress to social media and photographed the effects the treatment had on his body, including his hair falling out.

He recently posted a picture of his hair growing back white and joked: “I wonder if I’ll look more like Doc Brown or George Clooney.”

Hoppus also revealed that all the hair from his legs had recently fallen off.

His mother was previously diagnosed with the same disease and also became cancer free.

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