Noel Gallagher calls Miley Cyrus ‘god awful woman’ and claims British culture would ‘never’ sexualise female pop stars

Gallagher said that sexualisation of female artists has ‘all come from America’

Isobel Lewis
Monday 21 September 2020 14:26 BST
Miley Cyrus claims VMAs director made sexist comment about her performance

Noel Gallagher has suggested that the US is responsible for the sexualisation of female pop stars because “British culture would never sexualise a female”.

The former Oasis frontman made the comments in regards to a performance by Miley Cyrus at the recent MTV Video Music Awards in which she sang hit single “Midnight Sky” while sat on top of a giant, “wrecking ball”-inspired disco ball.

Initially taking aim at Cyrus herself and referring to the singer as “that god awful woman”, Gallagher told The Daily Star: “She was doing some f***ing s*** and even my nine-year-old said, ‘Why is the cameraman just filming her legs?’”

The Oasis singer continued: “Women have been sexualised because of America, British culture would never sexualise a female. This has all come from America – that juvenile, jock, stupid f***ing culture.”

Earlier this month, Cyrus also called out the VMAs for sexism, claiming that a director made misogynistic remarks towards her when she asked to be lit differently during rehearsals.

Miley Cyrus performs at the 2020 VMAs
Miley Cyrus performs at the 2020 VMAs (MTV)

“The beauty light is always used on women and I said turn the f***ing lights off,” she told Joe Rogan. “You would never tell Travis Scott or Adam Levine that he couldn’t turn the beauty light off.

“They said, ‘Okay, we’ll just do the same thing that we would do with the guys,’ because that’s what I want. Then something that I was doing… my bracelets kept getting caught in all this s*** and they said, ‘You want to be treated like a guy? We wouldn’t be dealing with this if a guy was doing it.'”

The singer speculated that male performers like The Weeknd or Kanye West would be called “a creative God” for making the same demands, adding: “It’s like, come on, why am I not getting that I’m a creative mastermind but I’m becoming a b****?”

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