The Horrors duo Cat's Eyes crash Buckingham Palace to perform new song

They crashed the Queen's private art installation under the guise of a Renaissance music act

Jacob Stolworthy
Wednesday 06 April 2016 13:11 BST

"That rock'n'roll, eh? That rock'n'roll, it just won't go away," once said Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner after picking up a Brit Award in 2014.

But what specifically is rock'n'roll: is it The Who's Keith Moon throwing a TV out of the window? Black Sabbath's Ozzy Osbourne biting the head off a bat? Or perhaps it's crashing Buckingham Palace during a private talk dedicated to the Queen's art collection?

Cat's Eyes - a musical duo comprised of The Horrors' Faris Badwan and Rachel Zeffira - have made a case for the latter.

With a new album on the horizon, the two - under the guise of a Renaissance ensemble - crashed a private event taking place inside the royal residence that was showing off the Queen's art collection.

With a band in tow, the musicians proceeded to perform new track "We'll Be Waiting" to unsuspecting guests.

Bizarrely, the gathered guests assumed the music to be an accompaniment to the Queen's installation.

This isn't the first time Cat's Eyes have pulled such a stunt; the duo's first ever gig took place at The Vatican in Rome.

A side project of their indie rock band The Horrors, Cat's Eyes formed in 2011. They provided the original score to 2014 film The Duke of Burgundy. Their new album Treasure House will be released on 3 June.

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