Hercules and Love Affair, Soho Revue Bar, London

Sunday 08 June 2008 00:00 BST

Wow, Antony Hegarty's looking foxy these days. That's your first thought when you see Hercules and Love Affair perform "Blind", their stormer of a single which featured the Johnsons leader's larynx. Then it dawns on you that the line-up touring the UK doesn't feature the man whose presence gave these New Yorkers such a high profile. The weird thing is, it doesn't even matter.

Under the mirror balls and chandeliers of a strip joint, Hercules and Love Affair – a polysexual electro-dance project – put on a non-stop erotic cabaret of their own. Led by the femme/dyke duo of Nomi and Kim Ann Foxman, and captained behind a keyboard by Andy Butler, seven of H&LA's eight members wear tops bearing the word "banjee" (a Nuyorican slang term for a young ethnic male who has sex with men, but dresses in macho fashion), which gives you an idea of where they're coming from.

Remarkably, for a studio project, they sound even better live: trombones and trumpets jostling with synth-bleeps like bubbles percolating through liquid. Disco is officially back, and if Hercules and Love Affair have anything to do with it, it's gonna be glorious.

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