Roots Manuva, Islington Assembly Hall, gig review: Weaves together new cuts with his exceptional back catalogue

Intimate art deco venue provides the perfect theatre to witness his wry observations up close

David Taylor
Friday 06 November 2015 13:27 GMT
Manuva looks like he’s raided a dressing up box
Manuva looks like he’s raided a dressing up box (Tom D Morgan)

It's fitting that Roots Manuva chose Islington Assembly Hall to launch new album Bleeds. The elder statesman of UK rap has never been one to emulate the overblown braggadocio of our transatlantic cousins, and the intimate art deco venue provides the perfect theatre to witness his wry observations up close. Who needs a stadium stage flooded with white light?

Tom D Morgan (Tom D Morgan)

The juddering sonic assault which kicks off proceedings certainly packs a punch. Bass thuds into my chest and I'm sure I can even feel my cheeks vibrating. It's unsettling and yet hypnotic. Manuva looks like he’s raided a dressing up box – army jacket over camo parka with hood pulled over a bowler hat. His look is in stark contrast to the two black dress-clad backing singers Angela and Lo whose harmonies win the battle with the bass, and a string quartet who add an extra layer of finesse.

Tom D Morgan (Tom D Morgan)

A powerful set weaves together new cuts with his exceptional back catalogue. Highlights from Bleeds are Hard Bastards and the delightful Fighting For with its tinkling keys – a new Roots classic destined to be a crowd favourite alongside tonight’s polished versions of Colossal Insight and Dreamy Days. The encore ends with what else but Witness (1 Hope), the track that started it all. On this evidence there’s plenty more to come.

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