Preview: Film - There's something about Mary (15)

Stephen Applebaum
Friday 25 September 1998 23:02 BST

Good taste is not something for which the Farrelly brothers, the sewer-minded siblings behind Dumb & Dumber and Kingpin, are renowned. And nor will they be after There's Something about Mary (above). Going where few films dare, it eschews political correctness in favour of cheap - and occasionally shocking - jokes about masturbation, mental illness, homosexuality, serial killers, black foster parents, voyeurism.... Few taboos are left intact, in fact, as Ben Stiller, Matt Dillon and Lee Evans compete for Cameron Diaz's impossibly sweet Mary. But the acting is so game, the tone so good-natured and affectionate, and the humour so all-embracing that the film never actually becomes offensive. If anything, it's a hilarious reminder of just how absurd we humans are.

On general release

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