David Benedict
Friday 07 July 1995 23:02 BST

Julia Ormond meets Richard Gere en route to marrying Sean Connery courtesy of Camelot. Not the lottery you understand, we're talking the Round Table. King Arthur meets the director of Ghost and the writer of Shadowlands - together they dream up a truly terrible title.

The Times felt that the Welsh scenery brooded magnificently but Richard Gere less so: "A mediocrity de luxe." It scored "Six out of 10 for achievement. Eleven out of 10 for trying" in the Financial Times but Time Out rather liked it: "snappy, anachronistic Hollywood Gothic hokum".

Odeon Leicester Square, London WC2 (0171-930 5252).

Zucker thinks he has a natural affinity with with romantic drama. He doesn't. Disneyland filmed by Leni Riefenstahl. Dire.

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