Television choices: Stephen Fry, pride and a global challenge to homophobia


Gerard Gilbert
Thursday 10 October 2013 14:55 BST
Fry travels from Moscow to Rio in the BBC's Stephen Fry: Out There
Fry travels from Moscow to Rio in the BBC's Stephen Fry: Out There (BBC)

Stephen Fry: Out There

Monday 9pm BBC2

Coincidentally or not, it was while making this documentary about what it means to be gay in different parts of the world that Stephen Fry attempted suicide – and there is a lot that is depressing about his findings as Fry travels from Moscow to Rio by way of bearding Ugandan homophobes in their lair – or, in this case, on a radio phone-in where he challenges a "sodomy-obsessed" pastor.

But Fry begins on a positive note, attending World Pride and exploring civil partnership in London, before dropping in on Elton John and David Furnish, and generally celebrating how much has changed in British society since the Seventies. A sobering statistic, however, is that of the 84 countries where homosexuality is still a crime, more than half are former British colonies.

The Rolling Stones Return to Hyde Park: Sweet Summer Sun

Saturday 10.35pm BBC1

Those hoary old black-and-white clips of the Stones' 1969 Hyde Park concert can now be superseded with this July's rather less epochal (and hugely more expensive) gig. For those of the 100,000 throng who only had a distant view of Mick and the "boys" – or couldn't afford the ticket – here's the close-up.

Downton Abbey

Sunday 9pm ITV

"I always think there's something rather foreign about high spirits at breakfast," opines laugh-a-minute butler Carson. Not that Anna is smiling after last week's shocking storyline – indeed, Joanne Froggatt is giving Michelle Dockery's Lady Mary a run for her money in the long-face stakes. Down in London, flapper Lady Rose dances with a black American jazz singer.

The Art of Australia

Tuesday 9pm & 3am BBC4

As unlikely as it may seem, it was Rupert Murdoch's newspaper baron father, Keith, who introduced Modern Art to Australia, with a 1939 exhibition of Matisse, Picasso, Dali et al. Other developments in Edmund Capon's enlightening series include the first sighting of indigenous Australians in paintings that hitherto he describes as "confident, optimistic... white".

The Tunnel

Wednesday 9pm & 1am Sky Atlantic

Fans of the Scandi-thriller The Bridge reacted sceptically at the news that it was being remade as an Anglo-French drama in which the murder victim is found in the channel tunnel. But, even if the set pieces are familiar, this intelligent adaptation works well. Clémence Poésy and Stephen Dillane are excellent as the chalk-and-cheese French and British detectives.

Up All Night: the Nightclub Toilet

Thursday 10pm Channel 4

A new spin on The Fried Chicken Shop format finds the cameras ensconced in the toilets of a Crawley nightclub. The punters' conversation ("love your top... where's it from?") are far more banal than the stories of the Nigerian attendants, even as you wonder about the long-suffering Dami's claim that she's "learning about white culture".

Man Down

Friday 9.30pm Channel 4

Greg Davies's sitcom is sweary but its peculiar sensibility might grow on anyone who hasn't tuned out after a tiresome early sequence in which Rik Mayall in a bear suit (he's playing Davies's father) launches an attack on his son in the style of Cato in The Pink Panther films. Davies plays a teacher who wants his ex-girlfriend back.

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