Alec Baldwin on the risks of impersonating Donald Trump on SNL

It turns out the actor's impersonation was more painful than it looked 

Jacob Stolworthy
Wednesday 09 November 2016 13:03 GMT

Speaking on The Brian Lehrer Show ahead of the election on Tuesday (8 November), the actor said: “This is an exaggeration of his masticating every word. I almost sprained my jaw pushing my lower jaw forward to talk the way he does and say Putin,” Baldwin explained. We're sure news of his presidency will only added to his jaw ache.

He continued: “Do I sound like him? Kind of. But I think what you get is an essence of him being very feral.”

Alec Baldwin reappears with impression of Donald Trump on SNL

So what does Baldwin think of the new president? “I don’t hate Trump," he stated, "but he’s not somebody I admire.”

Somewhat predictably, Trump himself wasn't a fan of the impersonation, expressing his distaste via Twitter; it seems Baldwin may have to put ideas about any future appearances to bed now Trump's heading to the White House.

Judging by the above tweet, it seems not even Trump expected to win.

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