Celebrity Big Brother 2016 live: line-up of contestants enter the house, plenty of booing occurs

Will this randomised collection of Z-list celebrities finally help us reach self-actualization? Only one way to find out!

Clarisse Loughrey
Tuesday 05 January 2016 20:41 GMT
The Celebrity Big Brother 2016 eye logo
The Celebrity Big Brother 2016 eye logo (Channel 5)

It's launch time for Celebrity Big Brother 2016!

  • The Vaudeville Victorian makeover of the house sees all furniture locked away, with John Partridge and Darren Day spending the night in a box.
  • John and Darren, after Big Brother's final twist decision, opted to eat only gruel, while allowing the rest of the housemates to dine on culinary luxuries. 
  • Former UKIP member, and current housemate, Winston McKenzie sparks controversy after dropping a homophobic remark in his opening video, "I could cope with a homosexual in the house - I guess I'll just have to sand with my back against a brick wall all the time."

We're here to ask the big questions from Celebrity Big Brother 2016.

What is man's destined purpose on Planet Earth? To what ends have we strived for centuries in technological and social advancement? Have we already reached our cultural pinnacle? Is this it: this gathering of randomised human flesh bags put under some kind of voluntary house arrest as we strain our cranial nerves to recall which "friend of the Kardashians" we're looking at, or which background characters from whichever soap have turned up to terrorise our dreams with their drunken, sleep-derived screeches. 

Emma Willis returns as presenter, with former X Factor contestant and Celebrity Big Brother winner Ryan Clarke joining in the shambles. 

The house has undergone a Victorian vaudevillian transformation, with the show's producers promising, "The housemates will discover that there will be unwelcome surprises in store. The BB garden has been transformed into a Whitechapel style foggy street scene with a Victorian pub snug which will provide a hidden corner for sharing secrets and backstage backstabbing." 

Well, let's get this over with. The show starts at 9pm on Channel 5. 

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