George RR Martin announces new graphic novel, with Game of Thrones fans still waiting for The Winds of Winter

‘Voyaging’ is set to be released in 2023

Sam Moore
Thursday 12 August 2021 15:55 BST
George R.R. Martin says that Game of Thrones ending isn't going to be that different from his books

George RR Martin has announced he is working on a new graphic novel that is unrelated to the Game of Thrones universe.

TitledVoyaging, the book will be a part of Martin’s Thousand Worlds series, which began with the 1977 novel Dying of the Light.

The announcement has prompted some negative reactions from fans disgruntled that the author is focusing on yet another new project, while he has yet to complete his long-awaitedGame of Thrones novel, The Winds of Winter.

Game of Thrones creator George RR Martin reveals new book no one asked for or wants,” one person tweeted.

Fans have been waiting for The Winds of Winter, the long-promised sixth book in Martin’s best selling A Song of Ice and Fire series, for 10 years. The most recent book to be published in the series was 2011’s A Dance with Dragons.

Martin originally expected The Winds of Winter to be released in 2016. He has told fans he hopes to have finished writing the book by the end of this year.

Writing about the new graphic novel on his blog, Martin said: “The Thousand Worlds stories spanned centuries and light years and had their own cast of heroes, villains, legends, and colorful characters… none of them more colorful than the trader (and ecological engineer) Haviland Tuf, the protagonist of a long series of stories I collected together in the fix up Tuf Voyaging.”

“I always meant to write more Tuf stories.”

(Getty Images)

The Tuf character first appeared in Martin’s 1986 novel, Tuf Voyaging.

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