I'm A Celebrity 2013 contestants: Rebecca Adlington

Who has left luxury behind to face the bushtucker trials down-under?

Jess Denham
Tuesday 19 November 2013 17:13 GMT
I'm a Celebrity 2013: Olympic gold medallist and retired swimmer Rebecca Adlington
I'm a Celebrity 2013: Olympic gold medallist and retired swimmer Rebecca Adlington (ITV)

Rebecca Adlington, 24, swimmer

Who? She won two Olympic golds in Beijing and a further two bronze in London, but the snake-fearing swimmer reckons the show will be prove one of her toughest challenges yet.

Click here to see who else is in the jungle

Why take part?: Missing the team spirit of her swimming glory days, she’s looking forward to feeling “like a big family” and “being part of all the banter”. A natural competitor, Rebecca wants gold again!

What she says: “The daunting thing for me is the mixture of everything - you are starving, not sleeping very well and trying to cope with the boredom.”

Most likely to humilate herself: Attempting any trial involving small spaces - she’s claustrophobic.

Phobias: Being hungry - "eating the same bland food and not having a lot of it"- and the coffin challenge.

Ideal campsite comrade: David Beckham because the footballer would “be someone to stare at” with some “pretty good stories to share”.

Looking forward to: Enjoying a bit of proper competition for the first time since quitting swimming.

Odds of a jungle romance?: Rebecca is engaged, so hopefully none!

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