John Oliver criticises Donald Trump's new education secretary Betsy DeVos on Stephen Colbert's show

'She will inspire school kids because they could be Secretary of Education right now'

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 08 February 2017 09:47 GMT
John Oliver: Betsy DeVos is an inspiration to US school kids because they could do her job

Following the election of Donald Trump, late night host John Oliver has remained relatively quiet, his HBO show having been in hibernation since mid-November.

However, this Sunday, Oliver returns to the airwaves. To promote his comeback, the comedian appeared alongside Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.

The pair - as expected - spoke about Trump, alongside numerous other issues, including green cards, James Bond, Steve Bannon, and the English Empire.

Because Oliver was off the air since November, Colbert opened by asking whether he missed being able to comment on Trump, Oliver replying: “No… Until inauguration day nothing was really happening.

“It was like being tied to a train track, watching the train coming, and then inauguration day being the train hitting you and thinking ‘Yep, that’s pretty much how I thought it was going to feel.’”

The pair moved onto Betsy DeVos, the controversial choice for education secretary who was given the position just moments before the show started.

“I think she might, and should, serve as an inspiration to school kids in America,” Oliver told Colbert. “Because it shows they could be Secretary of Education one day.

“In fact, not just one day but now. They’re probably as well qualified now as she is and spent arguably longer in a public school.” Watch the 10-minute clip below.

Yesterday, Colbert once again mocked the Trump administration, calling himself a “Bowling Green Massacre truther” after it was revealed Kellyanne Conway lied three times about the ‘terrorist attack’.

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