Simon Cowell demands more money to continue X Factor

Albertina Lloyd,Press Association
Friday 11 December 2009 11:28 GMT

Simon Cowell has threatened to stop making The X Factor if ITV does not meet his demands for another series next year.

The music mogul - speaking ahead of the X Factor final this weekend, which is expected to be watched by an audience of around 20 million - said he felt there was still demand from viewers for the show to continue, but the production needed more money invested.

He said: "We always said that we'd stop making the show when people don't want to see it.

"Part of the reason this show has been so successful. and I credit ITV with this, is that they have invested a lot of money in the show to make it better, and obviously we work with great producers.

"So, believe it or not, when we actually do a negotiation with a network, it's not about salaries for the people on it. To begin with, it's how much money are you going to invest over a period of time and there's a lot things that factor in that - what show are you going to be following, at what time of night etc?

"So, until we resolve that, it's difficult to say (if we will be returning next year)."

The singing talent contest has seen viewing figures soar this year and defeated BBC rival show Strictly Come Dancing in the ratings war after changes in its format which included a £1 million state-of-the-art stage.

But 50-year-old Cowell said, if The X Factor does return next year, he wants to see even more money spent on it.

He said: "I do think, however, with the changes on the show this year that there is genuine interest from the people who like the show to bring it back, but we've just got make sure if we do bring it back, then it's going to be better than this year."

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