The Walking Dead season 8 episode 14: The Jadis-Negan helicopter scene explained

*Spoilers follow for The Walking Dead season 8 episode 14*

Jacob Stolworthy
Tuesday 03 April 2018 14:45 BST
Walking Dead: season 8 episode 14 - trailer

The latest episode of The Walking Dead season 8 featured an exciting scene which may have left some fans scratching their heads in confusion.

This particular moment took place during an exchange between Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) and Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) whom she was holding captive after assuming he was the one who had given the order to wipe out her entire community at the Junkyard.

Having teased its presence subtly in the past, this episode - titled 'Still Gotta Mean Something' - showed the best look we've yet had at the helicopter that's been flying around these communities for several weeks now.

The one intriguing thing to note about the scene - which sees the helicopter descend before soaring off again, much to the devastation of a flare-waving Jadis - is that the Scavengers' leader seemed to be expecting the helicopter.

The episode's cold open shows Jadis grieving the loss of her people before looking at her watch and packing her suitcase - clearly expecting the arrival of something. Fans can take this to mean Jadis was on the cusp of getting collected by the helicopter - and don't forget Simon (Steve Ogg) asking her about the purpose of their helipad a few episodes back. Add to the mix that an alarm on her watch goes off just before the helicopter arises.

Quite who's flying the helicopter and why they leave without taking Jadis remains a mystery, although there plenty of assumptions that can be made - one of which is that it belongs to the community led by Georgie (Jayne Atkinson), the well-kept woman Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and company met a few weeks back. More on Georgie here.

Also, it can be assumed that the pilot flies away considering the entire community is absent save for a man tied up in the middle of the Junkyard...

One other thing to note is that this helicopter could well be what gets Morgan (Lennie James) to Texas, the location of Fear the Walking Dead? Considering he has two short episodes left in this series, it would be a hell of a convenient way to do just that.

One thing's for sure - Negan had no clue of the helicopter's existence and is as much in the dark as we are on this particular occasion.

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Another mystery intriguing fans is the identity of the character Negan lets into his car towards the end of the episode - something which may have just been confirmed in the cast list of next week's instalment, Worth.'

Watch the trailer for the penultimate episode of season 8 here.

The Walking Dead season 8 continues on AMC every Sunday with the UK premiere arriving the next evening on FOX as well as being available to stream on NOW TV.

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