My carbon footprint

Go green, save a fortune. We’ll need every penny

I don’t care what they say – our bank balance is in the green, writes Kate Hughes

Thursday 21 October 2021 07:00 BST
(iStock/The Independent)

Yes, but it’s really expensive isn’t it?” the TV producer is saying in my ear while a brave cameraman sidesteps the stinking packet next door’s cat has deposited in our garden and gives me the thumbs up. We’re rolling.

Thirty minutes ago I was quietly pondering the mortgage market for the day job. Now I’m staring down the barrel of a national news programme trying to make myself heard over the roar of rush hour traffic.

It’s the third time she’s asked the same question too – keen to get me to admit that yes, all our preconceptions are true. That “being green” is only really for those with the time and money to do it.

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