Centrist Dad

The end of the school holidays is nigh – and not a moment too soon

His kids may not agree but Will Gore can’t wait to hand them back into the care of their teachers

Saturday 02 September 2023 11:19 BST
Parents of children can breathe a big sigh of relief
Parents of children can breathe a big sigh of relief (Getty)

The early days of the school holidays hold such joyful possibilities. After a long term, parents will say sagely, everyone is ready for a good rest. The kids are overworked and overtired; squabbling with their mates and getting tearful at the breakfast table. The holidays will give them a chance to recharge their batteries.

The children, for their part, couldn’t agree more. There will be lie-ins, maybe a day trip and a meal out, visits to the grandparents’ house (where usual rules go out of the window) and perhaps a week away to somewhere exciting.

At the start of this summer’s school break, we made a schedule for the six weeks ahead and pinned it with magnets to the fridge. What fun we would all have together: our happy and harmonious family, each of us looking forward to enjoying the others’ company, without rancour or bickering. Fat chance.

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