election explained

Will the Labour manifesto change the subject of this election from Brexit?

Jeremy Corbyn’s policies are managing to cut through with the public, writes John Rentoul

Friday 22 November 2019 18:34 GMT
Jeremy Corbyn hopes to be on point with a weary electorate
Jeremy Corbyn hopes to be on point with a weary electorate (Getty)

The Labour manifesto attracted huge coverage in the media, and almost none of it was about the party’s Brexit policy. Does this mean that what one broadcaster – Sky News – has even branded “the Brexit election” is now going to be fought over a wider range of subjects?

I suspect so, simply because it is almost physically impossible for journalists and media consumers to stick to one subject for so long – especially as people have become so sick of it after more than a year of intense media focus.

Brexit tops the opinion polls when people are asked about the most important issues facing the country, but it is notable that when people are asked what are the most important issues facing “you and your family”, the NHS comes top, with Brexit pushed into second place.

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