Inside Politics: Boris Johnson ready to offer vote on vaccine passports

The government is said to be making assurances that MPs will get a say in Covid certification schemes, writes Adam Forrest

Monday 05 April 2021 08:15 BST
Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a media briefing on COVID-19 from Downing Street's media briefing room in London
Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a media briefing on COVID-19 from Downing Street's media briefing room in London (AP)

Nothing like a bit of pomp to pump up the populace. In a grand show of patriotic power, the mummified remains of Egypt’s ancient rulers – accompanied by a dramatic light show and orchestral music – were driven on chariots through the streets of Cairo to a new national museum. Our glorious ruler Boris Johnson – the lover of antiquities who once aspired to be “world king” – will have to make do with a little less fanfare today. The PM will unveil his grand plans for vaccine passports and summer travel rules at the Downing Street’s new £2.6m media room (a place with all the pomp of a British Legion conference suite).

Inside the bubble

Policy correspondent Jon Stone on what to look out for today:

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