Inside Westminster

On his return next week, Boris Johnson’s biggest coronavirus challenge could be with his own cabinet

The prime minister will try to reach middle ground. But while a majority of ministers probably want a swift end to the lockdown, others are more cautious, writes Andrew Grice

Friday 24 April 2020 18:53 BST
Johnson records a video message at No 10 on Easter Sunday after being released from hospital, before leaving for Chequers
Johnson records a video message at No 10 on Easter Sunday after being released from hospital, before leaving for Chequers (Getty)

Boris Johnson, who is expected back at work next week, will return to the most agonising dilemma of his political life to date, and probably the biggest he will ever face: when and how to lift the lockdown.

Concern about its economic damage spooks a growing number of cabinet ministers and Conservative backbenchers. Debate about an exit strategy has rightly begun in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast, as the devolved administrations think about going their own way in easing some restrictions.

Johnson wants to maintain a UK-wide approach. In London, ministers try to suppress the debate as well as “the curve” of coronavirus cases. It can’t last. The government is starting to look rudderless without its prime minister. The cabinet is waiting for Johnson.

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