My first post-lockdown outing was going so well – and then this happened

We couldn’t have been safer at the art gallery although, in accordance with government guidelines, the loos were shut. Oh dear, writes Jenny Eclair

Monday 19 April 2021 21:30 BST
London is open again – but we still need loos!
London is open again – but we still need loos! (Getty)

It’s been a week since England began to tip-toe out of lockdown two or is it three? Who cares, the entire lockdown franchise, unlike Toy Story, is exceedingly dull.

Typically, on 12 April, as I predicted in a psychic tweet posted a year ago, the day dawned with some pretty inclement weather, featuring snow in many counties up and down the land. Go us, this was such a typically English thing to happen, it really made me laugh.

Regardless of the conditions, some people couldn’t wait to get out of the house. Driving through central London, I noticed queues outside Primark on Oxford Street, while closer to home, the streets of East Dulwich were less frenetic but still pleasingly atmospheric. The nicky-nacky-noo shops were open and in a fit of optimism and well-being, I bought some fresh flowers, breathing in deeply the scent of blue hyacinths.

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