Ukraine’s spectacular gains are crucial for the security of Europe

Of course, this does not mean that Ukraine is guaranteed a victory. But they have never seemed closer to one than they have this week, writes Bel Trew

Sunday 11 September 2022 13:58 BST
The Ukrainians appear to have been able to make these gains with the arrival of a much-needed military upgrade
The Ukrainians appear to have been able to make these gains with the arrival of a much-needed military upgrade (AP)

Dwarfed by the death of Queen Elizabeth II, one of the most significant news events to take place this week risks disappearing under the radar despite the massive implications for the safety and security of Europe.

In Ukraine – where the continent’s largest conflict since the Second World War had morphed into a brutal and seemingly hopeless war of attrition – the Ukrainian military appeared this week to spectacularly break that stalemate in a surprise counteroffensive in the northeast.

All eyes had been on Ukraine’s efforts to recapture the whole of the southern region of Kherson, which it seems may have been a deliberate disinformation campaign to distract Russia from Kyiv’s plans for Kharkiv, a northeastern region along Russia’s borders .

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