Ban Ki-moon says perpetrators of Bucha massacres must face justice: ‘If not today, tomorrow’

‘I again urge Russia to stop this illegal aggression,’ the former United Nations secretary general tells The Independent

Louise Boyle
Senior Climate Correspondent, New York
Thursday 08 September 2022 14:51 BST
Ban Ki-moon demands justice for victims of 'horrendous atrocities' following Bucha visit

Former United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon has spoken of his horror at the slaughter of hundreds of Ukrainian citizens whose bodies were dumped in mass graves by Russian troops.

Mr Ban recounted his visit to Ukraine last month at the invitation of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

“We visited Bucha and Irpin where Russian soldiers ruthlessly killed civilian people randomly. I was horrified by these atrocities. This is totally unacceptable,” he told The Independent on Tuesday.

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