Coronavirus is leaving people more vulnerable to human trafficking, warn experts

Samuel Lovett reports on how the crisis is creating a ‘favourable climate’ for criminals to ruthlessly exploit

Sunday 03 May 2020 16:49 BST
Medical staff check incoming passengers coming from Italy for virus symptoms in the Albanian port city of Durres
Medical staff check incoming passengers coming from Italy for virus symptoms in the Albanian port city of Durres (AFP/Getty)

The coronavirus pandemic could increase the prevalence of human trafficking across Europe as vulnerable people seek refuge and criminals capitalise on the disruption, experts have warned.

As a result of the lockdowns across the continent, the infrastructure for both preventing trafficking and aiding victims has been severely hampered, according to the International Rescue Committee (IRC), as authorities divert money and resources into their Covid-19 response.

Millions have been forced out of employment due to the pandemic, including migrant workers who may find themselves excluded from healthcare systems and without the means to return to their countries of origin, the IRC added, leaving them vulnerable to heightened levels of exploitation.

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