Russia will not ‘chase after US’ talks says Lavrov at G20

Event concluded with no customary group pictures or joint statements as many western leaders boycotted Russia

Shweta Sharma
Friday 08 July 2022 21:29 BST
Related: Russian ship carrying Ukrainian grain stalls in Turkey’s waters

Sergei Lavrov says Russia will not chase after the US for talks after Antony Blinken snubbed the Kremlin’s top diplomat at a G20 summit in Indonesia.

The meeting in Bali was the first time Russia’s top diplomat was meeting some of the country’s harshest critics since it invaded Ukraine in February. The G20 includes western countries that have imposed sanctions on Moscow for its war on Ukraine as well as those such as China and India, which have been far more muted in their response.

The war on Ukraine loomed large throughout the conference. Other issues on the agenda were rising energy prices, international financial stability, food costs, climate change and poverty.

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