A coed accused a beloved college football player of rape. His teammate put his career on the line to support her

Betsy Sailor was raped while studying at Penn State in 1978 – and investigations resulted in charges against one of the school’s football players, a stranger to her. A new film documents how a teammate believed the young coed and became her advocate and protector, writes Sheila Flynn

Tuesday 26 April 2022 10:46 BST
Betsy Sailor and Irv Pankey hadn’t seen each other for years before reuniting for a new film about their inspiring relationship
Betsy Sailor and Irv Pankey hadn’t seen each other for years before reuniting for a new film about their inspiring relationship ( )

It’s still unusual now, and it was virtually unheard of back then – but, then again, neither Betsy Sailor nor Irv Pankey had been known for following the paths well travelled in late 1970s America.

Ms Sailor, one of the few female business administration majors at Penn State, had mustered the courage to accuse one of the school’s football players – a stranger to her – of raping her at knifepoint in her own home. Mr Pankey, who was just one of a dozen Black football players on the college’s juggernaut of a team, heard Ms Sailor’s evidence in court – and believed her.

It was 40 years before the MeToo movement and decades, too, before societal attitudes changed towards rape. But Mr Pankey became Ms Sailor’s protector and advocate in a heartwarming story borne from tragedy – and a new short film is finally shedding light on the unlikely bond forged between marginalised students on a polarised campus in a volatile time amidst horrifying allegations.

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