Bargain Hunter: Deal of the week

Nic Cicutti
Saturday 27 February 1999 00:02 GMT

Deal of the week

The good life insurance

ANYONE NEEDING a mortgage will be told they must have life insurance too. The reason is that the lender wants the insurance to pay off the loan if you die. The bright side is that at least your beneficiaries will get the house for nothing. This is a simple product (you die, they pay out), and the market is highly competitive. One company featured before in this column is Life-Search (0845 6030401). Its premise is simple: it will undercut any other offer in the market.

Now there's better: TQ Direct, in Wolverhampton, will rebate back two thirds of the commission it would otherwise earn on a deal. In plain language, that means hundreds of pounds in your pocket. The number is 0800 0561838. So now you know.

Of course, you could always call TQ Direct, get a quote and then see what Life-Search does. But that would be cheating, wouldn't it?

Nic Cicutti

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