Body positive Instagram star shares post explaining why you shouldn't feel bad about indulging

"Please don't beat yourself up. That's the last thing you need! Just stay positive, keep loving your body, and practise self love so that you can start making your body feel better!"

Rachel Hosie
Wednesday 19 April 2017 11:44 BST

The body-positivity movement continues to grow, with Instagram influencers leading the charge.

And they’re here to make sure you don’t feel bad if you enjoyed your Easter weekend and ate lots of chocolate, hot cross buns and roasties.

It’s totally OK.

And one Instagram star has spoken out to remind us of that.

Sara Puhto, who has over 84,200 followers on the photo-sharing social network, has shared a post encouraging people not to beat themselves up if they gain a little weight or eat something considered ‘bad.’

In a post showing how much different posture can affect how your body looks, Puhto explains how she recently went on holiday where she ate everything she wanted.

“I didn't want to restrict myself from eating these foods because I don't get these kinds of foods here in South Africa so obviously I had to enjoy it while I could!! I regret nothing, even though I have gained a bit of fat and have been breaking out on my face!” she writes.

And it’s a situation many people can relate to.

“If you're also going through fat gain and feeling sluggish due to a bit of overeating of junk food, please don't beat yourself up. That's the last thing you need! Just stay positive, keep loving your body, and practise self love so that you can start making your body feel better!”

Of course, photos such as this one are not uncommon on social media now, and people have for a while now been sharing posts revealing how ‘transformation pictures’ are not always what they same.

Nevertheless, people have responded positively to Puhto’s latest post.

“You look amazing. Thank you for sharing all these photos. Really inspiring. I know I always feel self conscious, thinking I'm bloated or not losing enough but it doesn't matter,” wrote one person.

“What a helpful and healing perspective as always,” added another.

“Thank you so much for being so honest. I hope you realise how much you help,” said another commenter.

The challenging of societal norms continues.

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