Captain Tom Moore: NHS fundraiser celebrates turning '100 years young' on milestone birthday

Army veteran is observing the milestone at home with his close family

Sarah Young
Thursday 30 April 2020 08:19 BST
Captain Tom Moore's NHS fundraiser hits £20 million

Captain Tom Moore is celebrating his 100th birthday after a whirlwind few weeks in which he has become a household name and raised nearly £30m for the NHS.

The Second World War veteran, who served in India and Burma, became an international celebrity after setting out to walk 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday on 30 April.

His original target of £1,000 was broken in around 24 hours and he extended his challenge to 200 laps after he completed the first 100 two weeks ahead of schedule.

Captain Moore plans to spend his special day at home with his daughter Hannah Ingram-Moore and her family, who he has been self-isolating with.

They will all celebrate privately and will be joined by his daughter Lucy and her family through the use of technology.

On Thursday morning, Captain Moore shared a messaged with his fans on Twitter, writing: “100 years young today. Looking forward to a day of celebration with the family. Today will be a good day!”

On the eve of his birthday, the veteran also shared a messaged asking people stay at home and wish him a happy birthday from afar.

“It is quite extraordinary that I am turning 100,” wrote Captain Moore.

“It is even more extraordinary that I am doing so with this many well-wishers and I am in awe at the response my walking has had.

“To everyone who has donated, sent birthday cards and messages, sincerely thank you.

“Please stay home, stay safe. Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day.”

Having captured the hearts of people around the world, many have been looking for ways to mark the national hero’s milestone celebration.

The army veteran has been inundated with birthday messages, including more than 140,000 cards, which are being opened at a special sorting office set up at his grandson's school.

Royal Mail has also painted a postbox in Captain Moore's village NHS blue in tribute to his fundraising efforts.

The postbox, in Marston Moretaine in Bedfordshire, has been decorated with a golden balloon.

David Gold, of Royal Mail, said: “We wish Captain Thomas Moore a very happy 100th birthday.

“His achievements are truly phenomenal, and this is reflected in the affection shown for him across the world.”

A Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flypast of a Spitfire and a Hurricane has also been organised by the RAF to mark Captain Moore's birthday, and he has been appointed as an honorary colonel of the Army Foundation College.

Captain Tom Moore has received more than 140,000 birthday cards from members of the public (Bedford School)
Captain Tom Moore has received more than 140,000 birthday cards from members of the public (Bedford School)

Chief of the General Staff General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith made the appointment, which has been approved by the Queen, in order to inspire the next generation of soldiers.

Other tributes for the veteran include a Royal Mail postmark, with all stamped post until Friday marked ”Happy 100th Birthday Captain Thomas Moore NHS fundraising hero 30th April 2020.“

He has also had a Great Western Railway (GWR) train named after him in honour of his charity achievements.

You can find out more about how to donate to Captain Moore's NHS fundraiser here.

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