Croydon restaurant insists on hiring only women for cleaning roles

‘Women are better at cleaning than men’

Olivia Petter
Friday 27 October 2017 11:02 BST
(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A Mediterranean restaurant in Croydon has come under fire for advertising for a female dishwasher.

Staff put a poster up on one of the window’s saying “part time staff required (female)” to notify locals that they were looking for someone to help in the kitchen.

Ridvan Das, owner and manager, told the Croydon Advertiser that he specifically wanted to hire a woman because they “are obviously better at cleaning than men.”

Das’ explanation for his sexism was simply that his mother had always been the best at cleaning in his household, adding that his girlfriend often has to pick up after him.

He claims all of the females in his life are less messy by nature and therefore demands all cleaning roles at Mazi be filled by women only.

"That’s just how I feel,” he explained.

“I’m messy myself and a lot of the males I know are messy themselves and their wives, girlfriends, mum or auntie will keep them neat."

However, Das’s strict hiring requirements aren’t simply archaic; they actually go against UK discrimination laws.

“It is against the law to treat someone less favourably than someone else because of a personal characteristic (such as) religion, gender or age,” reads the government’s website.

When Das was asked if he was aware of such legalities, he responded vaguely before insisting that he employs an equal number of men and women overall:

“We hire as long as they have had this type of job before and as long as they have experience in the trade,” he said.

He has already filled the position.

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