Woman splits up with boyfriend who criticised her for putting on weight

He said it was 'weird' that her gut was bigger than his

Chelsea Ritschel
Tuesday 03 April 2018 12:43 BST
Eating greens and doing cardio is not the way to get lean says Australian coach

A woman has dumped her boyfriend after sharing the messages she’d received from him telling her to lose weight on Twitter - and receiving an outpouring of support.

Shelby Johnson has always struggled with being underweight, according to her Twitter, and never felt “happier or more healthy” than she did when she managed to reach 120lbs.

But according to screenshots Johnson shared from her boyfriend, he didn’t feel the same way about her body - which prompted hundreds of people to tell Johnson to break-up with him.

Johnson tweeted: “I am 120 pounds. I have been for about five months. My partner said this to me. Am I overreacting for feeling hurt by this? I’m at a loss and just can’t even comprehend how someone who claims to love me can say this,” alongside photos of their conversation.

In the messages, Johnson’s boyfriend tells her the main issue is that her gut might stick out more than his, which he says is “just weird,” and that he has been telling her she needs to lose weight.

And when Johnson asks if he finds her less attractive because of her weight gain, he said he “doesn’t think so,” but he will if it “keeps going.”

“I’ve noticed, but it hasn’t turned me off. But you’re definitely getting a beer gut babe,” her boyfriend wrote.

Johnson’s original tweet was liked over 38,000 times - and many people agreed that she should dump him immediately.

“Girl, dump him and find you someone who loves everything about you,” wrote one person.

Another said: “He doesn’t deserve you. No need to keep that negativity around. You look great.”

And it appears Johnson listened to the advice and dropped a hefty 180 pounds. Since posting her tweet, she updated her followers that they are now broken up, and he was “really unhappy” - especially after finding out her tweet went viral.

As for her former boyfriend, he said he’d use the break-up as “a learning experience to be a better person,” - which we hope is true.

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