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What To Do, See & Buy: Bill Amberg's rucksacks; Timex; Burberry's metallic cardigans; O'Keeffe's brogues; Kaspar's


Charlie Cooper
Wednesday 03 April 2013 17:04 BST

Sack me or back me

Rucksacks are back. But we're not talking nasty nylon things you stuff your gym kit into: Bill Amberg's lovely leather version is sturdy while still being city-chic. In very dark navy blue and popping mustard yellow, it makes a style statement – while side-stepping the mockery that may accompany more metrosexual man-bags. £485,

Time, gentlemen

Nod to this summer's camouflage trend without looking like you're off to do a military fitness class in the park: wear the style on your sleeve. This watch (see gallery) is a revived design from the Timex archives, and was originally created for the US army in the 1940s. Time to get tough, vintage style. £150,

Metal works

Here's a test of your sartorial courage. The fashion gods ordain that metallic is the look of the new season. It had to happen sooner or later: science fiction writers have seen it coming for years and no doubt in 10 years' time we'll be wearing this kind of stuff around the office. Burberry has been first to grasp the nettle with gusto in this brave new world: but dare you wear a metallic silk cardigan? Go on! £750,

Ceci, c'est une pipe

It's not healthy, but pipe-smoking is going through something of a renaissance – no longer the reserve of elderly gentlemen in tweed. What its makers claim as the world's first plastic pipe, this stylish piece of kit (see gallery) is made with something called thermoplastic and equipped with a briar wood chamber. Perfect for Shoreditch posers – or you could even pop one on your mantelpiece as a stylish health warning. About £530,


O'Keeffe makes shoes with care – and it shows. It is perhaps the only top shoemaker that has a blog paying tribute and expressing gratitude to 'the gentlemen who are wearing O'Keeffe shoes'. We particularly like their coloured brogues – chief among them this natty orange pair (see gallery) that will set you up for summer. £380,

Get lucky

Since 1926, Kaspar of the Savoy Hotel, a sculpture of a black cat, has been the 'lucky' extra diner for parties of 13. Now the hotel is opening Kaspar's, a seafood grill with Thames views, 1920s decor, and hearty dishes such as the lobster club sandwich. Opens 2 May,

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