How to take the perfect selfie, according to leading expert Kylie Jenner

You're just two steps away from the perfect snap

Rachel Hosie
Tuesday 15 November 2016 16:02 GMT

Hers is a generation renowned for being selfie-obsessed, and with 78.7 million followers on Instagram, Kylie Jenner is the undisputed queen of the selfie.

We’re so obsessed with taking the perfect selfie that the average millennial will take about 27,500 selfies in their lifetime and devotes an hour of every week to snapping and uploading pictures of themselves, according to a recent study.

What’s more, in 2015 more people died taking selfies than from shark attacks. Yes, really.

Luckily, however, selfie queen Kylie has now revealed her simple two-step guide to taking the perfect selfie in a video posted on her website. The 19-year-old reality star shares her secrets whilst passing on her wisdom to older sister, Khloe.

Step 1: Take your picture with 'sunset lighting'

According to Kylie, it is absolutely crucial to take your picture at the most flattering time of day. So for her, that means going outside at around 4.45pm at the moment to make the most of that warm evening sunlight.

In sunny California where Kylie lives, however, perhaps this is easier than in the UK, where it’s rarely sunny.

Step 2: Know you angle

“You gotta know your angle,” Kylie instructs Khloe. “This is my angle, to the right.” And a quick scroll through Kylie’s instagram reveals she does indeed take all her selfies with her head tilted down to the right.

Kylie fails to reveal how she found her angle though, so perhaps the only answer is to keep snapping until you find yours - perhaps we mere mortals need to devote more than an hour a week to selfie-taking after all then.

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