Fashion: For my first Christmas I shall wear

Kate Constable,Tamsin Blanchard
Thursday 23 December 1993 01:02 GMT

Kitty, born on 17 January, is the only child of Lisa Armstrong, associate editor of Vogue, and Paul Hadaway, an architect.

'This dress was a present from Vogue when Kitty was born. It's very pretty and traditional but not the sort of thing she normally wears. It's my fantasy of what I would like her to wear because it isn't practical for everyday - Kitty is still crawling, so it would get dirty in minutes. I love the idea of babies looking like babies. If you can't be twee when you're one, when can you? Because of the business I'm in, I know she'll want to wear shell suits. I try not to impose my taste on her. Her nanny lets her choose her clothes (well, there's a certain amount of pre-selection). The one thing I hate is trainers because they're so ugly. I much prefer proper shoes. Kitty wears a real mixture of stuff, from BhS to hand-smocked romper suits. No one in my family knits, so I have had to buy the things that look hand-knitted. I tend to buy Hennes or Baby Gap and then top up with nice knitwear. I am trying to curb what I buy'

Kitty wears: hand-smocked dress from Young England (071-259 9003); blue cardigan from Humla (071-434 0385).

Clementine, almost one, is the daughter of Denise Hastings, development co-ordinator for the Whitechapel Art Gallery, and Nick, creative director of CDP advertising agency.

'I tend to get the basics from Hennes - polos for pounds 3.99 in great colours. Last week I bought Lily and Clementine eco-cotton pyjamas. They're cosy and fluffy and were only pounds 9.99. The only problem is that you really have to steel yourself to shop there because it's most uncomfortable. once baby girls are crawling, they look silly in dresses. Little girls need dungarees and trousers. I like the children to have fab clothes but they are expensive so, apart from Hennes, I shop in sales'

Clementine wears: cream polo by General Clothing Co from Bananas (071-730 3123); hair band by Hennes (071-255 2031). Dungarees by Catamini (bought on holiday in France); suede boots are hand-me-downs from her sister, Lily.

Ashley is three months old and lives in south London with her mother, Sandra Young.

'I have a few options for Ashley to wear on Christmas Day. One is this tartan dress handed down from her sister. It was about pounds 16.99 from Allders. I have also bought her pink dungarees from Marks & Spencer. I like more expensive outfits that are good quality and last, rather than cheaper things that will fall apart. M&S, Mothercare, Next, Baby Gap and Hennes are all good. Arding & Hobbs in Clapham Junction sells nice little dresses that are different from those in other shops and are reasonably priced. Her most fancy dress is one that will fit her in about a month - too late for Christmas. It is lacy and frilly and was made for her on the Virgin Islands - a present from my sister'

Ashley wears: a tartan dress from Allders in Croydon (081-681 2577)

Lula is six months old. Her father is Andrew Main, a photographic printer, and her mother is Lisa Butler, a make-up artist.

'We get loads of clothes given to us by friends with older children. She doesn't have any particular preferences - she screams whatever you put her in. Her most-worn outfit is a green and blue all-in-one - it solves loads of problems because it keeps her nice and warm. It is from Hennes but it was a gift. She's actually happiest in the nude.

Lula always wears little boys' clothes because most of the girly clothes are disgusting. We've been lumbered with a few pink things but we try to keep her out of them. Boys' clothes are fairly unisex but everybody thinks she's a boy'

Lula wears: cap and dark blue cardigan, both from Baby Gap (071-499 3821); white tights from a chemist in Rochester; booties from Woolworths, and broderie anglaise all-in-one, from Hennes.

Sonny, born in June, is the son of the Crystal Palace centre-half, Chris Coleman.

'Sonny wears dungarees mostly, and little jumpers. We recently got him his first tracksuit and last week we bought him his first pair of shoes, which are like little Indian moccasins. We buy a lot of his clothes from Children's World in Croydon, the rest we get from Hennes and Next. We spend quite a bit of money on him, although we had a lot of stuff given to us by my two sisters, who both have little boys. If you were to ask us if the way he is dressed is an extension of our taste, we would have to say yes. He'll be in denims and big baggy T-shirts when he's bigger.

And yes, in a couple of months, I will be getting him his first football kit'

Sonny wears: tartan dungarees and polo from Children's World (081-760 0484)

(Photographs omitted)

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