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How to make baby pumpkin stuffed with lentils

This month is all about pumpkins, from carving to eating, so here we stuff it with spiced lentils for a warming seasonal dish

Friday 28 September 2018 19:52 BST

Baby pumpkin stuffed with spiced lentils

To celebrate Halloween, we've roasted a baby pumpkin and filled it with creamy spiced lentils and a sprinkling of flaked almonds. Pumpkins are a great source of vitamin A which helps promote good vision.

1 baby pumpkin
1 red chilli
1 red pepper
20g flaked almonds
240g lentils in water (drained)
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp tikka masala paste
2 tomatoes
30g creamed coconut
4 tsp oil
80g spinach
Medium handful of flat-leaf parsley

Preheat the oven to 220C / gas mark 7 and boil a kettle. Carefully cut the pumpkin in half horizontally to give two bowl shapes. Remove the seeds from the pumpkin.

Place the pumpkin halves, flesh up on a baking tray and drizzle with 2 tsp of oil and sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt. Place in the oven for 40 minutes or until they turn golden and the flesh has softened, turning halfway through.

Finely chop the garlic and the red chilli (removing the seeds for less heat). Dice the red pepper and the tomatoes. Roughly chop the parsley leaves. Dissolve the creamed coconut in a jug with 200ml boiling water. Drain and rinse the lentils. In a dry medium-sized pan on a high heat add the flaked almonds and toast for 3 mins, until turning golden. Remove from the pan and set aside.

In the same pan, heat 2 tsp oil on a medium heat and cook the garlic and curry powder for 1 minute. Then add the red pepper, tomatoes, creamed coconut, lentils and chilli (to taste). Simmer gently for 15 mins until the sauce has thickened, then add the spinach and half of the parsley for 2 mins. Season with sea salt and black pepper to taste.

Place the pumpkin halves on two warm plates and spoon in the creamy spiced lentils. Sprinkle over the toasted flaked almonds and the remaining chopped parsley.

* * *

Reserve your pumpkin seeds and roast for a tasty nutrient-rich snack, see recipe below:

Spicy Mexican

1 tsp dried oregano 
½​ tsp smoked paprika 
1⁄4 tsp cayenne pepper

Maple and cinnamon

1 tbsp maple syrup
½ tsp ground cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 160C / gas mark 3. Remove any pumpkin flesh from the pumpkin seeds, wash them and drain the seeds, leave in a sieve or colander for 5 minutes to drain. Spread out onto a baking tray and roast in the oven for 30 minutes.

Sprinkle over the Mexican spices and drizzle with 1 tsp olive oil and a small sprinkle of sea salt or drizzle over the maple syrup and sprinkle over the cinnamon with a small sprinkle of sea salt. Rub all over the seeds and place back in the oven for a further 15 mins until golden. Enjoy!

Recipe from

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