Grouse snacks

Serves 4

Mark Hi
Saturday 08 August 2009 00:00 BST
Spoon the grouse mixture on to the crisp potato slices and scatter with the beetroot and spring onion
Spoon the grouse mixture on to the crisp potato slices and scatter with the beetroot and spring onion (Jason Lowe)

My neighbours Judith and Gerrard always give me a few goodies from their allotment – this month's gift was plums and Harlequin potatoes (a cross between Charlotte's and Pink Fir), along with freshly dug beets. I used them as the basis for these grouse snacks, made with grouse legs that have been simmered in the soup (see following recipe) with the carcass and vegetables.

2-3 plums, halved and stoned
A small piece of root ginger, peeled and grated or finely shredded
tbsp good-quality red wine vinegar
4 large new potatoes, cooked in their skins
A couple of good knobs of butter
The legs from a couple of grouse, cooked and the meat removed and shredded
2tsp olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1tbsp finely shredded raw beetroot
1 spring onion, finely shredded

Cut the plums into thin slices or dice them up if they are large and mix with the ginger and vinegar and leave for 30 minutes. Cut the potatoes into about 1cm-thick slices, melt the butter in a heavy frying pan and cook the potatoes for 3-4 minutes on each side until crisp, then keep warm.

Mix the plums and ginger with the grouse meat and oil; season to taste. To serve, spoon the grouse mixture on to the crisp potato slices and scatter with the beetroot and spring onions.

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