Mark Hix recipe: Broad bean hummus

Serves 4-6

Mark Hi
Friday 25 July 2014 00:44 BST
Mark's broad bean hummus is a great alternative to the traditional hummus most people buy from the supermarket
Mark's broad bean hummus is a great alternative to the traditional hummus most people buy from the supermarket (Jason Lowe)

This is a great alternative to the traditional hummus most people buy from the supermarket. You can make this with frozen broad beans, which will cut down the preparation time, and, to be perfectly honest with you, you won't know the difference.

500g broad beans (podded weight)
5 cloves of garlic, peeled and sliced
150ml olive or rapeseed oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the relish

1 large spring onion, trimmed and finely chopped
1 small red chilli, finely chopped
50ml olive or rapeseed oil
A handful of coriander leaves, washed

Cook the broad beans in boiling salted water for 4-5 minutes, then drain in a colander over a bowl, putting the liquid to one side. Remove about 150g of peas and put to one side for the relish. Mix the rest of the broad beans with the sliced garlic and about 200ml of the hot cooking liquid, and discard the rest.

Transfer the broad beans, sliced garlic and cooking liquid into a food processor, season and blend on a high speed until smooth, trickling in the oil as it is blending. The mixture needs to be as smooth as possible. You can finish it off in a liquidiser if you have one and the food processor isn't doing the job. Transfer to a bowl and cover the surface with clingfilm until required.

To make the relish: remove the outer skins from the broad beans, put them in a bowl with the spring onion, chilli and oil, season and mix well. Chop about three quarters of the coriander and mix with the relish.

To serve, spoon the broad bean purée on to serving plates, spoon the relish over and scatter the remaining coriander on top.

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