iPhone 7: New technology could lead to larger batteries and faster Wi-Fi

The company has been working on coating all of the individual parts inside its phones, letting signals get through more easily and allowing more space for battery

Andrew Griffin
Wednesday 17 February 2016 19:15 GMT
Some of these features are buried in the Settings menu while others are hidden in plain sight.
Some of these features are buried in the Settings menu while others are hidden in plain sight. (Getty)

Apple is introducing an obscure new technology into its next iPhones, which could lead to some of the most requested improvements on the handset, according to reports.

The new phones will have all of their parts individually shielded for electromagnetic interference, according to reports. That could allow the phones to better communicate with the outside world, as well as allowing for extra space to improve the phone’s battery life.

The company has been working hard to make the phones quicker to communicate with the world as well as longer-lasting between charges. But it has come up against technology problems in doing so, with battery efficiency causing a particular problem.

Now the company is rumoured to be using technology to allow extra space for battery and less interference between the parts, allowing them to use better cellular and Wi-Fi connections. The new technology allows it to use “more elaborate” chips that pack the parts together, since they can be more effectively shielded from interfering with each other.

Apple used the technique in the Apple Watch, which was released in April and is by far the smallest major device that Apple has released. Adding it to the iPhone could lead to some of the same advances, allowing it to shrink down the components of the phone and use the space for battery and other features.

Two Korean companies are looking after the shielding process on the new phones, and the reports have come from people close to those companies, according to the reports. None of the claims in the report are verified.

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