Gordon Ramsay congratulates daughter on top GCSE marks - but gives her a 'D in cookery'

The teen scored a healthy crop of A*s and As

Sarah Young
Friday 24 August 2018 11:06 BST

Gordon Ramsay is not known for mincing his words, so it should come as no surprise to hear that even his own children don’t escape unscathed.

Yesterday, as students across the UK collected their GCSE results, the celebrity chef posted on Instagram to share his daughter Matilda’s success.

The majority of the 16-year-old's GCSEs were still marked under the old system, with the photo showing she scored a healthy crop of A*s and As.

Some of her scores were marked under the new numerical system, where she achieved a six in art and maths, and a nine in PE.

For perspective, grade seven is broadly equivalent to an A and a grade four broadly equivalent to a C. A grade nine is the top grade and is harder to achieve than an A*.

Alongside the image of his daughter proudly posing with her results, Ramsay took the opportunity to “grade” his daughter’s cooking efforts.

“Congrats to this little star @tillyramsay 4 A*’s 3 A’s 2 B’s oh and a D in cooking!” [sic], he wrote.

“Well done Tilly, and well done to all."

The backhanded compliment is clearly a joke from the chef because, while she didn’t actually sit the subject for her GCSEs, Matilda is no stranger to the culinary world.

The teen is currently in the fourth season of her very on show, Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch, on children’s television channel CBBC, where she cooks her way through a range of British and US dishes during the summer holidays with her family.

Just last week, the Ramsay family enjoyed more educational success as they celebrated the A-Level results of 18-year-old twins Jack and Holly.

Sharing a photo of his children on Instagram, the chef wrote: “Well done Jack & Holly! 2 more Ramsay's off to University #Exeter #ravensbourne I'm so proud, amazing results ABB ABC @jackrams3y@hollyramsayy.”

While Ramsay is clearly proud of his children’s achievements, he has previously commented on how he thinks learning life skills, like cooking, is more important than exam results.

In an interview with America's David Letterman, the outspoken chef – who left school with few qualifications – said: “I'm fed up with kids getting blamed for this obesity epidemic and bad eating habits. It's not the kids, it's the parents.

“Cooking is now a proper life skill for the young kids. I look at my son Jack (who's 14) and he's stressing out over Latin.

“I'm saying to him 'Mate, if you're not going to use Latin for the rest of your life, don't worry about that exam, follow dad, let me show you how to make scrambled eggs'."

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