Nick Jonas opens up about having type 1 diabetes in candid Instagram post

'I have full control of my day to day life with this disease'

Sabrina Barr
Saturday 17 November 2018 11:06 GMT
(Getty Images)

Nick Jonas has opened about being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a teenager, revealing that the disease caused him to lose an excessive amount of weight.

World Diabetes Day, on 14 November, aims to raise awareness for the condition that affects millions of people around the world.

One of those individuals is Jonas, who was informed that he had a severe form of the disease at the age of 13.

Now 26, the singer has explained how he's managed to live a healthy life while making sure that his blood sugar levels are closely monitored.

"13 years ago today I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes," he writes on Instagram.

"The picture on the left is me a few weeks after my diagnosis. Barely 100 pounds after having lost so much weight from my blood sugar being so high before going to the doctor where I would find out I was diabetic.

"On the right is me now. Happy and healthy. Prioritising my physical health, working out and eating healthy and keeping my blood sugar in check."

Prior to his diagnosis, Jonas realised that something wasn't quite right while touring with his brothers Joe and Kevin.

Speaking with On Track Diabetes, he outlines how he'd noticed a change in his temperament, had started feeling thirsty all the time and needed to use the bathroom far more frequently than usual.

After having his blood sugar levels tested by a doctor, the singer was rushed to a hospital immediately.

More than a decade later, Jonas explains that he's been able to manage the condition by following a healthy and active lifestyle.

"I have full control of my day to day life with this disease, and I'm so grateful to my family and loved ones who have helped me every step of the way," he writes on Instagram.

"Never let anything hold you back from living your best life."

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Other high-profile figures who have type 1 diabetes include model Bambi Northwood-Blyth, actor Halle Berry and UK Prime Minister Theresa May.

May has recently revealed that the insulin that she uses to treat her diabetes comes from the EU, which is why she feels particularly strongly about people in the UK being able to access medicine should the UK leave the EU without a Brexit deal.

"I know that this is an issue that is a matter of importance to people and that the Department of Health is ensuring that it is taking all the steps," she said on LBC radio.

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