Business Diary: Miller puts the past behind him

Thursday 28 April 2011 00:00 BST

Alan Miller is a widely respected fund manager in the City, but is probably best known beyond the Square Mile for his exceptionally messy divorce from his wife Melissa – she got £5m in a judgment that he appealed all the way to the House of Lords before losing. It's good to see the episode hasn't put Miller off women. Interviewed in the latest issue of Spear's magazine, Miller reveals he has only two personal speed dial numbers on his phone: "The two most important women in my life – my [new] wife and my mum."

Barclays AGM puts austerity on table

To the Barclays annual general meeting where the bank's shareholders are in their usual disgruntled form. One presses Bob Diamond on his relationship with Lord Mandelson, who advised the Barclays boss on his recent Treasury Select Committee appearance: purely social apparently, no payment was made, Diamond assures him. Others make straight for the goody bags which weren't as generous as the bonuses to which BarCap staff are accustomed. Sandwiches, crisps and a small bottle of wine for lunch, plus a Barclays mug (not forgetting some mints) to take home.

Policy that covers your, ahem, Rs

Is this the perfect product for companies in the digital age? Lloyd's of London insurer Kiln says it is looking into insurance for organisations that get caught out by an inappropriate post on Twitter. "We're sort of feeling our way through, trying to work it out," says Malcolm Randles, who issues cyber insurance policies for Kiln. Last year, for example, one company had to fire an employee who made a string of unauthorised – and homophobic – posts on its corporate Twitter feed.

Geithner takes security on board

What does US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner get up to when he's not running the economy? He wants to be a surfer. We know this courtesy of David Alexander, a Californian surf instructor who thought nothing of it when a man named Tim booked a lesson for himself and his daughter. It was only when the pair showed up at the beach tailed by six intimidating besuited men with earpieces that he asked about his pupil's line of work. They were Secret Service staff you see.

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