Leaflets found in Muslim school 'describe music and dancing as acts of the devil'

The school strongly denies the allegations and has described the report as 'racist'

Siobhan Fenton
Friday 17 June 2016 16:13 BST
Darul Uloom Islamic High School, Birmingham
Darul Uloom Islamic High School, Birmingham (Google Maps)

Leaflets denouncing music and dancing as ‘acts of the devil’ have been found at a Muslim faith school in Birmingham, school inspectors have warned.

An Ofsted inspection report states that the material was found in areas used by pupils and shared with the local mosque at Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham during an inspection. The school was rated “inadequate” in October 2015 following allegations that the school segregated male and female governors. As a result, the school was ordered to make changes and an unannounced inspection was undertaken to test if the changes had been implemented. During this unannounced visit, an inspector reportedly found the leaflets.

The report of the visit states: “Leaders and staff have had training in preventing extremism and radicalisation, and been given the latest Government safeguarding guidance.

“However, the impact of this work has not rectified safeguarding weaknesses. A large number of copies of a leaflet containing highly concerning and extremist views, such as 'Music, dancing and singing are acts of devil and prohibited', were discovered during the inspection.

“The leaflets were found in areas shared by the school and adjoining mosque which are used by leaders and in areas used by the pupils from the school.”

The school has strongly denied the leaflets were found on their premises and have called the inspection “racist.” In a statement the school said the leaflets were associated with neither the school nor the mosque and had been “dumped” there by a member of the public.

The statement said: “These leaflets were not on the display board or anywhere near the display board.

“They were clearly dumped by a member of the public, ironically next to the sign where it is clearly signposted 'Strictly no posters or leaflets'.

“Furthermore in regards to the inspection in question, the conduct of the Ofsted inspectors during this inspection were unacceptable and racist.”

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