The great leasehold hoax: When you buy a property, but don't ever own it

People lucky enough to leave the rental market could find themselves in the leasehold ‘property trap’. Angry at living under feudal rules, this class of mortgaged renters want the homes they paid for, says Harry Scoffin

Friday 25 January 2019 10:29 GMT
Illustrations by Dilruba Tayfun
Illustrations by Dilruba Tayfun

The sun is out in London’s Docklands. In the emerging metropolis at the east side of the capital, where cranes are a permanent feature of the skyline and one-bed flats can go for up to a million pounds, trendy Hubbub Bar & Kitchen is the last place you would expect to hear words like injustice and exploitation.

Outside in the beer garden, local residents gather over drinks to discuss possible names for a new self-help group. “Leasehold Freedom Fighters” is rejected for sounding too political. After some discussion, they settle on “Friends in High Places”. As the first meeting concludes, contact details are exchanged. They plan to meet again.

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