McDonald's emoji billboard defaced in Bristol

Who would have seen this coming?

Lizzie Dearden
Thursday 16 July 2015 13:31 BST
The defaced billboard was spotted by Ian Grainger in Bristol
The defaced billboard was spotted by Ian Grainger in Bristol (Ian Grainger)

It was only a matter of time before someone seized the opportunity to ridicule McDonald’s new emoji-themed adverts.

The billboards started popping up across the UK last month, presenting a trip to the fast-food chain as the perfect solution to crises including dropping your phone down the toilet and, more controversially, your girlfriend spending too much on shoes.

But one of the adverts recommending McDonald’s after a lengthy struggle through roadworks has appeared with a difference in Bristol.

This was the original billboard design.

The defaced billboard was spotted by Ian Grainger in Bristol (Ian Grainger)

Good times, indeed.

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