Playboy magazine's new direction will 'bridge the gap' between men and women's 'understanding' of sex, says CEO

Recently published articles include: 'The Only Thing Better Than a Pair of hot Sisters is THREE Hot Sisters'

Rose Troup Buchanan
Wednesday 11 November 2015 18:54 GMT
Playboy recently announced it would no longer run 'full nudity' on its pages
Playboy recently announced it would no longer run 'full nudity' on its pages (MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

Playboy’s CEO has said the decision to remove full nudity from the magazine was partly because the publication instead “bridge the gap” between men and women’s understanding of sex.

Scott Flanders also said he felt the availability of porn online “has substituted for intimacy in personal relationships” and his magazine could help “bridge the gap between sex, and understanding of sex between men and women.”

Playboy, founded by Hugh Hefner in 1953, announced last month that from March of next year the magazine will drop full nudity from its pages. The decision was greeted with delight in some quarters, although many queried the significance of the change.

While Mr Flanders may hope his magazine helps to promote “understanding” of sex between the genders, the online version of the magazine appears to be going in a different direction.

Among their more popular online video articles are: “The hottest adult film stars, ranked” or the “Everyone’s going crazy for this white girl twerking video”.

Other popular and recently published articles include: “From Emily Ratajkowski to Rhianna, which celebrity has the most sexual Instagram account?” or “The Only Thing Better Than a Pair of hot Sisters is THREE Hot Sisters.”

Mr Flanders explained to CNN Money: "My personal view is that unfortunately availability of porn in some cases has substituted for intimacy in personal relationships”.

"And that is unfortunate and Playboy would like to be a bridge in the gap between sex, and understanding of sex between men and women."

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